30. May 2022

Serbian Internet Governance Forum takes place in Belgrade

The Serbian Internet Governance Forum (IGF Serbia), held on May 26 at Belgrade Youth Center, was opened by Chengetai Masango, Head of the IGF Secretariat, Dejan Đukić, RNIDS (Serbi...

11. May 2022

Cyber attack simulation training for Technical Sciences Faculty students takes place

The National CERT on May 11 held in RATEL’s premises a CyberRange platform technical training intended for the students of the Faculty of Technical Sciences of the University...

5. May 2022

27. April 2022

Serbian secondary school students win first place at Regional Cyber Camp in Albania

From April 18 to 20, 2022, a competition entitled Regional Cyber Camp, organized by the National Authority on Electronic Certification and Cyber Security (AKCESK), was held in...

11. April 2022

National CERT gets access to Have I Been Pwned service

As the competent authority of the 31st state being granted free access to “Have I Been Pwned” service, the National CERT of the Republic of Serbia will from now on enab...

31. March 2022

World Backup Day

Creation of copies of data, called Backup, comprises a digital copy of the most important data such as photographs, documents, video recordings or email messages. March 31 is...

23. March 2022

Cyber attack simulation training for students takes place

The National CERT, on March 23, held a CyberRange platform training in RATEL’s premises for the students of the University of Belgrade School of Electrical Engineering. As pa...

17. March 2022

Serbian Internet Domains Day 2022

This year, the Serbian National Internet Domain Registry Foundation (RNIDS) traditionally held a conference dedicated to the Internet – DIDS (Serbian Internet Domains Day) on...

17. March 2022

Meeting with Special CERTs takes place

In line with the National CERT competences, defined by the Law on Information Security, a regular meeting with the teams of Special CERTs registered with the national CERT was held...

2. March 2022

First technical training for local self-government unit representatives

On March 1, 2022, the National CERT held a first online technical training on the CyberBit/CyberRange platform, as part of a wider ten-part course intended for representatives of l...

10. December 2021

Exercise "Cyber Tesla 2021"

On 6-9 December 2021, in the "Vojvoda Radomir Putnik" army facility in Gornji Milanovac, this year’s multinational command headquarters drill Cyber Tesla 2021 was held....

24. November 2021

Meeting with Independent CERTs

On November 24, 2021, the second regular meeting of the government body CERT, the National Bank of Serbia and Independent ICT system operators' CERTs was hosted by the National CER...


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