14. November 2019

RATEL hosts ENISA Article 13a Expert Group meeting in Belgrade

The 29th meeting of ENISA Article 13a Expert Group was held on 13th and 14th November 2019 in Belgrade.   The meeting was attended by representatives of the EU countries, Sw...

6. November 2019

Second workshop for local governments

The second workshop within the project "Empowering local governments in information security regulation implementation" organized by RATEL, NALED, the Ministry of Trade, Tourism an...

4. November 2019

Successfully completed training in Kragujevac

The National CERT has carried out a successfu training in Kragujevac. The training was dedicated to system administrators employed at local self-government units and has been condu...

30. October 2019

American cyber security expert vistis RATEL

Director of RATEL, dr Vladica Tintor and the National CERT hosted Mr. Fred Ruonavar, Chief of Defense Information System Agency / DoD Information Network Critical Infrastructure Pr...

25. October 2019

Cyber Security workshop for SMEs

The National CERT continues its “Active and safe on the Internet” campaign. In cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, an educational workshop...

24. October 2019

NALED and RATEL host Cyber Security workshop

As part of the “Active and Safe on the Internet” capmpaign marking the month of Cyber Security, RATEL, i.e. National CERT, held a workshop titled "Empowering local self...

16. October 2019

Cyber attack simulation system training

For the purpose of improving the skills and knowledge in the area of cyber attack detection and prevention, the National CERT of the Republic of Serbia held a two-day training on a...

14. October 2019

Security Act Model made available to all users

ICT Security Act Model is an example containing all protection measures foreseen in the Law on IT Security, Ordinance on detailed content of the special importance IC systems secur...

11. October 2019

Simulation of hacker attack performed during Cyber Security Month

The Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services, with competence in the activities of the National CERT (SRB-CERT), marking the Cyber Security Month of Octo...

16. August 2019

National CERT of the Republic of Serbia successfully completed the Accreditation process organized by Trusted Introducer

Founded within Geant, Trusted Introducer is an international platform to support the activities of information security systems response centers.Since November 1, 2017, National CE...

21. June 2019

National CERT takes part in FIRST Conference

Due to FIRST (Forum of Incident and Response Security Teams) Fellowship program, earlier in 2019, the National CERT of the Republic of Serbia became a part of the FIRST network, th...

16. May 2019

Preparations for the "Cyber Tesla" Exercise

From May 14th to 16th, RATEL is hosting the Main Planning Conference for the multinational command and training exercise "Cyber ​​Tesla 2019" which gathering members of the Ministr...


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